Thursday, August 12, 2010

Busy Day at Work

Hello again! Goodness today was crazy! There are several people out at my office currently, all of whom I'm covering at least partially for, so my to-do list has just gone through the roof. And as much as I wish I were, I really just don't think I'm a very good multitasker. I really like getting one thing done at a time and being like "Yes!! Ok- what now?" If it's a few items I can handle it, but when the list gets longer, and everything on it is "high priority" (which tends to happen when you have 6-12 different people all giving you things to do) I start stressing out and I get a little paralyzed trying to figure out what actually needs to be done first.

A couple good things have come out of it though. First, I've been approved to go into OT if necessary. I don't really want to HAVE to work any extra hours, but the extra $$ would be nice. On the other hand, it would be nice to have that as an excuse if I can't get everything done- "Sorry! I hit 40 hours and was sent home!"

Second, I think I'm finally making a new friend at work! haha- I don't really have a lot of friends at work. Some people would be fine with that. They like to keep business and personal separate, and it doesn't bother them not to have friends in the work place. For me, though, it makes tough days a lot easier to get through if I have someone I know and trust and can talk to and have fun with. I have 1 person like that in my office currently, and a couple others that I can talk and laugh with on a surface level. But not as many as I'd like. Mostly it's just due to demographics- most of the people I work with are older and in a different part of their lives. But I find myself skipping our all-hands meetings more because I don't feel like going and sitting by myself than because I don't care about the content of the meetings. Anyways, there's a lady that's not super new, but has been here several months. She doesn't work in my department, so I don't work directly with her, and I only interact with her occasionally, but lately our conversations when we have to call each other have been longer and not solely business related- we'll complain about our jobs in the normal way, and talk about other things outside of the office some. I shared John's music video with her and we were talking about that this morning and I was so happy about it when we got off the phone! If I were a guy it'd probly sound like I have a new crush. lol. But I'm just excited about possibly finding a new friend :)

Speaking of John- I have found a few friends to go to the Falcons game with me tomorrow, so I'm super excited about that! And I'm also excited because it sounds like John and I might be spending Saturday together just hanging out. Between my brother leaving, and John getting ready for drumline and all of his released material we've both just been swamped lately and it's taken a toll on our one-on-one time. He's been so sweet and has surprised me twice recently with unexpected visits, but neither was a time when we could really hang out and enjoy each other's company. And even when we have seen each other, it's been with other people. So it's sounding like we might be spending all day Saturday together doing whatever we want. Another friend is having a party Saturday night, so we'll hang out then go to that together I think. And I am just so excited about that prospect. It's still a play-it-by-ear idea right now, but even just that possibility made my day whenever I thought about it today. I'm just so tired mentally that I could really use some time with someone I love and who makes me feel special.

I did get to spend some time unwinding last night with my amazing small group. We had a spa night at one of the girl's places. We turned off all the lights and lit candles and put on records (yes! records! she had a genuine record player! so cool!) and we all put on face masks and did nails and hand massages and all sorts of fun stuff! It was soooooooo nice! A nice way to break up the week for sure!

Now I think I'm going to head to bed early to get an early start tomorrow. Try to knock out a decent amount of work before the weekend gets here so that the people that get back in the office on Monday will see that I HAVE been working!

Just a few random parting notes:
~Finding out you missed free doughnut holes is a very sad experience. I walked into the break room late in the day today and saw a box of them in the share/free-for-all area but it was empty :(
~Loco's to-go straws are waaaay too feeble. Between trying to open it and then stick it through the top of my drink, I think mine bent/cracked in about 6 different places.

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