So, I know I'm behind. Sorry. In an attempt to get my blog/online journal back on track in as little a daunting way as possible, I've decided to just do one post for each week that I've missed and catch up that way. However, that is not what this is. I just wanted to post real quick about the Corey Crowder show I went to this weekend. I got a few pictures, though it was with my phone and the sun was setting, so they're not very good. But it gives you a little bit of an idea of the setting.
This was a partial band show. So Corey on his guitar, someone on mandolin I believe it was, and then John on just a djembe (pronounced jim-bay. I had to look up the spelling. lol) instead of his whole drum kit. And it also wasn't the typical bar show. It was something put on by the Arts Association in Newton County at The Oaks Golf Course down in Covington.
The weather was gorgeous. Not too hot, not too breezy. Corey got started a little before dusk and it was just perfect. They set up outside, right on the edge of the parking lot, with the golf course behind them. There were tables and chairs set up for everyone to sit on, as well as all the golf carts parked around the edge as extra seating. There were drinks for sale and people coming around to the tables to see if you needed anything.
It was an hour-and-a-half long set, and as the sun went down, the stars came out, and the crickets and cicadas came out to add their music to the songs as well. Off in the distance a great thunderhead hung low over the horizon and added a light show to accompany the evening's concert.
There was just such a sense of peace throughout the evening that made it so enjoyable. I definitely left that show thinking that it was one of my favorites to date. It put me in the mood for similar evenings to come. Nights spent outside- perhaps not always with the live music- but enjoying the weather and all the wonderful little details that make up a true southern night. :) Here's to many more to come...
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