Hello wonderful people!
I was busy (busy relaxing at times) all weekend and didn't have a chance to update yall while it was all going on. So let's see:
Friday night I went to the Atlanta Falcons season opener hoping to catch John's debut on the drumline. My good friend Danielle and her husband, Jay, came along.
So a big THANK YOU to those 2 wonderful friends!!! Otherwise I would have had to go by myself, and sitting by myself in a stadium surrounded by thousands of people is not my scene. I'm not outgoing enough to make friends with all my neighboring sports fans by the end of the 1st quarter like some people. lol. But anyways, we got some cheap tickets through RazorGator. We were up high, but had a great time for $7/ticket! Of course, the food made up all the saved $$, but it was worth it! Can't beat a good ol' stadium hotdog, and we threw in a pulled pork sandwich for good measure. Jay and I actually ended up splitting everything, passing back and forth over Danielle cuz she wasn't feeling the stadium food. You know why? CUZ SHE'S PREGNANT!!!!! Hehe. She wanted to wait til closer to the end of the 1st trimester before announcing it to the world so as not to jinx things. Which I can understand. I'm soooo excited though!!! I'm gonna be Auntie Hayhay! Yayayay!
We didn't actually get to see the drumline perform too much this game. Not out on the field anyway. But what they did play sounded great! :) And our seats were perfect for being able to see where they hang out! Whenever I go with my friends that have season tickets, my view of the drumline area won't be so good, so I'm glad I got a chance to sit where I did once. Of course, from where I was sitting, I was also able to see that during a majority of the game the cheerleaders were standing RIGHT in front of the drumline. Danielle did a good job drawing my attention to this. lol. What are best friends for if not to point out the mass of skinny blond cheerleaders dancing mere feet in front of your boyfriend? lol.
(It's ok Dan- I forgive you :P)
Saturday was wonderful. I did end up getting to spend all day with John as I had hoped. Slept in til around 11. It was so overcast that I couldn't tell what time it was at all when I woke up. But once we got up and got moving we went to see Inception, which was AWESOME, just like everyone said it would be! Definitely one I'll have to go back and watch a few more times before I'm able to keep track of everything. Then we went to try a new Chinese restaurant that's supposed to be the best near what is soon-to-be my new apartment complex. It's called Lucky China and I totally love it! I'm not normally a fan of Chinese food. I don't hate it, and I can always find SOMEthing to order on the menu, but it's never my first choice. But John loves it, so I thought he might like to know what our options will be at the new place. Anyways, this place was soooo cool! Not the traditional decor you expect at a smaller Chinese restaurant. The majority of their seating consisted of a series of tables that had a booth against the wall across from chic red ottomans on the other side of the table. The soy sauce is kept in little teapots on the tables instead of the container it comes in. And the food was all presented so nicely. I ordered some crab sushi and it came out on a smoking plate! (Thanks to some dry ice that the waiter made sure to tell me not to drink!)
The picture doesn't do it justice cuz I was a little rushed. But the presentation was gorgeous!
After coming home and taking a short nap (I loooooooooove naps! Totally don't get to take advantage enough!) we headed over to a party at a friend's place to finish off the evening.
Sunday I slept in again. Talk about relaaaaaaaaaaxing :) Around 2 I got together with my friends Sarah and Stephanie. Sarah has started a beer blog, Catholic Drinkie, and it is BLOWING UP already! So you should totally go check it out. Sarah is a devout Catholic, and KNOWS her beer, and has already been interviewed several times by some big name Catholic radio programs about this new blog of hers! You can check out a pod cast of her interview with GRN Alive in San Antonio here. And she asked me to take some pictures for her blog. So we spent the afternoon at Taco Mac (a favorite drinking hole of both of ours) having drinks and queso, taking pictures, and catching up.
I also joined Taco Mac's beer club, Brewniversity. Sarah has had 219 different beers there so far, and is almost to her Master's, at which point she'll get her name on a plaque on the wall at her local TM. She has already achieved her Bachelor's, after which you get to enjoy 20oz of ice cold brew for the price of a 16oz pint glass (hence the awesome mug in the above shots.) Not sure I'll ever catch up to her with that head start, plus I'm not actually a beer fan. But I figure it's a fun, free club that gives me incentive to try new things!
After finishing up at TM we headed over to Park Tavern at Piedmont Park for Unplugged in the Park, courtesy of 99X. Bands playing this weekend were Branded with Fear, The Kicks and Civil Twilight. It was fun. We got stuck a bit close to the stage so I we couldn't really talk, and once the floor filled up I was getting knocked in the head every time someone walked by, lol. But it was a good time. I'll definitely have to get The Kicks' album, cuz I really enjoyed their set. Of course, that's the one group I didn't get a picture of. Oh well.
That pretty much sums up my weekend. It sounds busy. But I got plenty of sleep, and I got to see lots of friends! So over all, I'd call it a success! And I'll leave you now with a few more cool shots from the weekend :)

Update: It was just brought to my attention that The Kicks have their new single as well as a full album available for free download on their site. Enjoy!
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